This past winter I accomplished a life goal that I didn’t even know could be a life goal. I can start fires in the woodstove without small pieces of wood for kindling. This pinnacle of personal achievement, which I enjoyed performing every day, dropped accidentally into my lap through a combination of hard work and laziness.
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Category Archives: Alaska
Images of March
March is my favorite month up here. The light, snow, and temperatures combine to make it a time you wish could last well through April.
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No Country for Short-Legged Moose
A moose walked through the yard yesterday and left a nice natural history tale in the snow.
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Special Meteors
Years go by, and you get used to certain things. You stop looking closely, and so probably miss interesting little details.
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The Snowblower Gets a Cupholder
Wow, did we ever get a lot of snow recently!
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