The Fairbanks North Star Borough runs on property tax. It’s the only regular tax that we pay in-state (though we expect that will change soon given the huge state deficit). Every year the borough sends out a notice telling you what they think your property is worth. We’ve never had a problem with them before, but this year when the notices came with a 20% rise in land values, we were surprised.
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Author Archives: kwinker
It’s Spring!
We’re two weeks early here. The first leaves popped out today and the raised beds are forked. Hammond’s Flycatchers showed up yesterday and Mew Gulls today.
Power Outage or Widowmaker?
What’s behind Door Number 3?
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Grouse v. Squirrel
We’ve had more Ruffed Grouse activity in the yard this winter than usual. It’s been fun to watch them, and to keep them returning Rose put some sunflower seeds out on the floor of the deck. They appreciate it. Yesterday I watched one slowly amble across the snow in the back yard, gingerly stepping and often breaking through. It did not look fun—basically postholing, which when I have to do it is exhausting. Oddly, when it came across a fallen aspen leaf, brown and ugly at this time of year, it picked it up and swallowed it down. That was a surprise; we see them eat tree buds a lot, but this looked like almost the lowest quality food one could find (one step above spruce needles).
As the grouse slowly approached the edge of the woods, the red squirrel who lives over there went batshit crazy.
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The Light Report
At this high latitude (64.84º N), day lengths are the same as everywhere else on the planet: 24 hours. Night lengths, however, are highly variable during the year. Yes, I am being pedantic, because with both statements being true, that means that day lengths vary too, right?
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