Author Archives: kwinker

A Man of No Party

While I pay attention to politics, I usually don’t weigh in, preferring to just go vote and have my voice heard that way. As an independent, I feel mostly free to vote for the person I consider to be the best candidate. I don’t agree with any party’s full platform, so it’s easy to tally up the pros and cons of each candidate and vote accordingly. That said, I try not to throw my vote away on a candidate that is unlikely to win. I don’t like our current two-party system, but usually it is one of their nominees who is going to get the job. So I pay particularly close attention to those two.

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Driving Mr. Li

It was the 6th of July, and we set out on a beautiful day to drive over to Dawson City via the Taylor and Top-of-the-World highways. After loading the camper, we made a quick stop at the store for gas and hit the road with deli sandwiches for lunch. It was an easy drive to Tok, where we gassed up again before arriving at Tetlin Junction and heading north toward Chicken. Up there in the high country, past Mount Fairplay and back below treeline, it began raining. We pulled over to camp in a gravel pit and relaxed for the evening.
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