Monthly Archives: December 2014

The Festive Light Snarl

The holidays crept up on us with remarkable speed*. And so here we are already at Winter’s Solstice without having engaged in any of the requisite holiday action. It’s an important day in the Far North, because of course it’s the shortest of the year and day lengths will quickly increase — a very welcome change when we’re at 3 hours and 41 minutes of possible sunlight today.

Anyway, neither Rose nor I were feeling compelled to decorate for Christmas, and she had the brilliant suggestion of a “Festive Light Snarl,” which we were able to implement in about one minute.

The Festive Light Snarl

The Festive Light Snarl


Happy holidays!

*Well, the pace was probably the same as usual, but it sure seemed faster (said the deer in the headlights).